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When it’s not all rainbows and sunshine

As much as we like our stethoscope and scrub selfies, we need to capture and share the raw moments in healthcare. I worked at my per-diem job, on my home unit (site of my first nursing job) last night. I worked hard and on little sleep. ⁣

I am so tired, mentally and physically, and this moment reminded me of a challenge @nurseabnormalities posted a while back, #healthcarehangover This challenge aimed to capture this obscure and private side of healthcare. The side that isn’t as fun to post about and share. Pictured here is a nurse that ran and critically thought all night. Who, despite all of his cleverness and experience, still ended up having to send a patient back to surgery in the middle of the night. ⁣

This is a nurse who wonders if he should have called 10 mins earlier, but who also knew that he kept his patient stable until the team got in. This is also a nurse who legs, feet, and back ache, mildly. This is a nurse whose hands are dry from sanitizing and washing them so much. This is a nurse who has to take a 20 min power nap in the hosptial parking deck, so he can stay awake to get home safely. ⁣

This is a nurse who had no true lunch, but who is also thankful for having supportive coworkers. This is a nurse who is grateful to have a surgeon that has always been approachable and who is a friend and who values his assessment and abilities. This is a real nurse, on an average day, just trying to get some coffee and then some sleep. This a ⁣

Happy nursing to my #weekeendwarriors ⁣

Patrick aka @PatMacRN⁣

#RN #NightShift #NightNurse #RealCaregiversRealStories #Healthcareintheraw #Raw #truth #Nurse #Tired #TheFaceofNursing #IAmthefaceofnursing #healthcare #patmacrn #cvicu #icunurse