What’s on a Badge? Nursing Badge gadgets and goodies!

What’s on a Badge? Nursing Badge gadgets and goodies!

Hey guys!!! The end of the year is just charging towards us isn’t it? Wow! 2017 has flown by! As promised from Instagram, here is a list of some nursing Badge goodies that you might like!!!!  I’ve also included links to where you can purchase these, yourself! Let me know if you buy the props it’s and like them!!!  

R-Cat EKG Badge
Plastics Printers - Hasting Minnesota USA
Buy on Amazon

As a cardiovascular critical care and step-down nurse, this is probably my favorite badge tool and #nursegadget I was turned on to this R-CAT EKG tool by none other than the wonderful @nursenacole, who I started following on my personal page, before starting PatMacRN. This helps you assess EKG strips and evaluate for ST abnormalities and elevation (which can indicate a significant myocardial infarction or a heart attack). The R-Cat also helps you measure other ecg waves, such as the PR interval (PRI) and QRS intervals. These don’t replace calipers but they can work as a great alternative for smaller measurements. 


This is my ACLS badge reference card, the front and back. Unlike with PALS I use ACLS much more working primarily in critical care and step-down areas. However, there are times when you are caught off guard and you get flustered, or it’s been a while since your last code event, and it’s good to have something to refresh your memory. I never believe I know it all or that I can’t falter. ACLS is pretty in-grained in me at this point, but I like to be better safe than sorry. #acls #icunurse #rn #patmacrn #badgebuddy


This is the fringe and back of one of my badge reference cards, I think I got them from Amazon. I really like it. I am PALS certified, but don’t work with pediatric patients often, so it’s nice to have a reference if I’m feeling nervous about a patient, I can quickly brush up on protocols before hand. Of course, we should never become dependent on tools such as this and use them as aids to guide the knowledge we learned in our actual course and practice. I don’t recommend you be glued to this during an actual emergent situation. Lol! #pals #nursegoodies #nursegadgets#aha #patmacrn #pediatrics #ipreferadultnursing


If you end up purchasing any of these please send me a pic on Instagram or post your thoughts on the products on here or on Instagram! Thanks guys! I hope these help you to be a remarkable nurse, nursing student, or any other clinician that you may be! 

Happy Nursing!

Patrick McMurray, BSN, RN


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