What's in my nursing work bag?
Take a look inside what I take to work!
"Be ye warned", my work bag is like the Barney bag, anything and everything can come out of it!
In all honesty, I like to be prepared at work. Nursing requires a lot from its clinicians and thus being prepared can mean the difference in your patient's life and you leaving on time after the end of your shift. I've uploaded a video of what I like to take to work with me on a average day as a float pool nurse.
As far as the actual bag itself, I have a simple, but sturdy Swiss Gear backpack that I purchased at my local Target, but feel free to get as fancy as you like. Be warned, however, that nursing work bags can be exposed to a multitude of scenarios and stains, so picking something durable and washable is advised.
Here's a link to the bag I currently have.
Happy Nursing!
Patrick McMurray, BSN, RN